Essential Oil of the Day : Peppermint (Mentha Piperita)

Peppermint has been used by many ancient cultures, including Egyptians, Chinese and American Indians. It is an excellent digestive, respiratory and circulatory oil. And it is an anti-inflammatory and an antiseptic. These qualities make it a good oil in treatment of indegestion, flatulence, bad breath, flu, catarrh, varicose veins, headaches and migraines, rheumatism, toothache, and fatigue. It even keeps mice, fleas and ants away!

In subtle aromatherapy, peppermint is said to act on the ego, helping to overcome the feeling of inferiority. And others say that it is an oil that would be beneficial for those in need of insight and inspiration as it enhances our receptive capacities on mental and spiritual levels.

Essential Oil of the Day : Tea Tree (melaleuca alternifolia)

The antiseptic action of tea tree is thought to be one hundred times more powerfull than carbolic acid, and yet it is non poisonous to humans! The Aborigines have been using this indigenous Australian tree in their medications for centuries.
It is a strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and immuno-stimulating oil, making it useful in the treatment of a wide range of conditions such as, thrush, cysititis,  asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, coughs, and all kinds of infections. It is also recommended in skin care for the treatment of acne, athlete's foot, burns, cold sores, dandruff, herpes, insect bites, verrucae, warts and wounds.
In energetics, tea tree is said to strengthen the defensive Qi. It can be used to eradicate harmful pathogens and prevent the recurrence of infections.

Essential Oil of the Day : Lavender (lavandula angustifolia)

Every home should have a bottle of lavender, if no other, because it is so effective in the treatment of burns and scalds. 
The lost versatile of essential oils, lavender oil is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic, anti-depressant, sedative and de-toxifier which promotes healing and prevents scarring. It also stimulates the immune system and is a great cell regenerator.
In energitics lavender is said to be soothing to the heart Qi. It is recommended in the treatment of nervous tension, insomnia, palpitations and high blood pressure.
It is a truly indispensable oil!


People respond to the sense of smell on an emotional level more strongly than any other sense. For example, a single aroma can trigger a whole string of forgotten memories. The area of the brain associated with smell is the same area as that associated with memory. The olfactory nerves are located within the nasal cavity and respond to particular aromas.  They send the information to the part of the brain where memory and emotions lie. This area connects with another part of the brain (hypothalamus and pituitary gland) which governs our hormonal systems. These aromas trigger a variety of chemical actions within the body, including the release of specific chemicals.  Enkephalin reduces pain and creates a feeling of well-being. Endorphins also reduce pain and induce sexual feelings. Serotonin helps relax and calm. Because the olfactory nerves are a direct extension of the brain's limbic system, reaction to smell is relayed immediately.