La Aromaterapia

La aromaterapia es la ciencia y el arte que utiliza propiedades terapéuticas de aceites esenciales para fomentar la salud y el bienestar del cuerpo, de la mente y de las emociones.
Los llamados "aceites esenciales" no son realmente aceites, sino las partes más volátiles de las plantas, las cuales se liberan mediante un proceso de destilación a vapor en hojas, flores y maderas o por compresión de algunas frutas.
Los aceites esenciales satisfacen las necesidades de mente, cuerpo y espíritu. Todos ellos, han resultado exitosos en el tratamiento de condiciones emocionales, así como dolencias musculares, digestivas, de la piel, en problemas respiratorios o simplemente como relajantes, para combatir el insomnio y el estrés, y en tratamientos de belleza. Se usan en masajes, ambientadores, vaporizadores, en el baño y como loción capilar o para la piel.


What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the art and science of using essential oils to maintain and enhance the well-being of body, mind and spirit. The essential oil of each plant is its life force containing both medicinal and aromatic characteristics. 
As aromatherapists we treat the person, not the desease and  therefore encourage people to value their health and show them ways to influence their own well being.
As holistic therapists our main aim is to keep stress down, as this is the main cause of illness. The first areas where stress will manifest itself are the digestive system, the skin and the reproductive system. However, aromatherapy is also helpfull for respiratory issues, circulatory problems and muscular/skeletal aches and pains.
We use essential oils for their numerous therapeutic effects during massage (this way the client can benefit from the relaxing effect of the massage aswell) , But also in lotions, vegetable oils blends (highly beneficial for the skin), steam inhalations, diffusers and conpresses.
Furthermore we offer advice on how to use the essential ols at home, as insect repellents, house hold desinfectants etc...

home treatment

The aim of an aromatherapy treatment is to relax the client and aid the passage of essential oils into the body and thus encourage their therapeutic effect.
Before each massage treatment there is a consultation during which I determine which oils to use for the client during massage. And after the massage, if the client wishes, I make up a home treatment lotion or oil with specific instructions to ensure maximum effects.

Lotions may also be provided without massage, after consultation to determine the clients needs. Or on demand (for stress, insomnia, PMT, digestive issues, skin problems, aches and pains etc...).
The lotions, essential oils, and massage oils are 100% pure and natural.
A home tratment lotion without massage costs 5 euros.

I can also make up specific creams such as After sun, Anti moskito lotion, Eczema creams or simply Day and night creams. All made up of 100%pure and natural ingredients.